Saturday, January 28, 2017

A thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

Hello, Visitors,
So glad you came by today.  This is my brave new attempt to re-enter the online art world.  After several years of raising my little grandsons I am wanting to create beautiful things again.  I have been thinking about how awful things have gotten since the 2016 election and how sad and frighten so many people are not knowing what is going to happen next.  I know that viewing something beautiful or stumbling upon a photo, object or odd little whatchamacallit I am distracted for a while and the worry fades into the background of my mind. So it is with this thought in mind that I wish to share with you the concept that "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."  I do not want to leave out the art that is funny or curiously done or dark, for I know that it can have a place also, but for the purpose of this post I will focus on that which is beautiful...for my art tends to lean in that least that is what I aim for.